Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Role of Social Networking Sites in Education

     I really enjoyed the discussion on social networking sites today! I liked the examples that Denise Lindstrom showed that proved how these sites can be used positively and effectively in the classroom. I also enjoyed the discussion  that we had as a class during her presentation. TodaysMeet is a great way to get people involved in a conversation. Instead of just feeling like we were being talked at during the presentation I felt like I was part of it. It was interesting to see what other people were thinking about and reacting to what she was saying. It was instant feedback and we didn't have to wait until the end of the presentation to talk about it. I don't know about anybody else, but I am always thinking of good questions and comments during a presentation, but when its over and we are asked to give questions I forget what I was going to say. This is a good format to get all of your thoughts and ideas out before you forget them. It was difficult at times to pay attention to both, but overall it was a great conversation and a great presentation.
      In regard to the topic itself I believe that social networking can be used effectively in schools and I am glad that there are schools who are embracing this new form of technology. It is a fact that students are spending a lot of time texting and using Facebook outside of school. It is a technology that is really motivating for them. As teachers we will always be looking for new ways to motivate our students and if social networking sites is something that motivates them then why not use it. It is sending students the wrong message if we are telling them that expressing their ideas and communicating with peers is a bad thing. It doesn't matter if its online, its just great that they are doing it! Students these days are probably communicating their ideas and feelings through written word far more than students did just 5 years ago. The examples that we saw today are proof of that. For example, we saw fifth graders sharing compelling and thoughtful ideas on important matters such as global warming. It was great to see how it could connect with the curriculum!
     I agree with Denise Lindstrom's comment about there being a disconnect between home and school. We should try to eliminate this and incorporate the new forms of literacy and technology in our classrooms. We can't be afraid of this new stuff. We need to show students how it can be used in a productive way. This will show students, parents, and administrators that there are many more possibilities to these sites. This is especially true using safer sites such as Edmodo. I realize that it may not be possible in a lot of schools and there are risks, but I would love to try something like this is in my future classroom!


  1. It sounds like you learned a lot from the Skype call. I will have to get updated about the Meets! I really like the chat idea during the presentation because I am just like you in which I always have good ideas and questions during the presentations, but forget about those ideas to discuss them with the class at the end of the presentation. I think social networking can be an innovative tool to allow students to express their ideas about things we are learning in the classroom. I like the idea social networking because the teacher can set it up and let the students type away, but he or she still can access what the students are typing about to make sure that they are on task.

  2. I loved the chatting during the presentation. Honestly, I think that with an hour of lecture, it is hard to stay focused and involved the entire time. I think that in terms of this particular one, it was even more helpful because a lot of us had strong opinions about it, so it was nice to hear what everyone else thought and be able to respond.

  3. I loved the discussion in class as well. I myself was motivated to simply start my own social network! I was amazed from what the students were able to share about global warming.

  4. Thanks for your participation and for sharing your reactions of using this type of backchanneling technology during our discussion. I thought it really went well and we can grow as we use this technology more and more.
