Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Final Entry: Applying What I Have Learned

     I can't believe how fast this class went! It was only a two week class, but I learned a lot and brushed up on things that I learned in 201. I hope that I will be able to implement the ideas that I have learned into my own classroom. We have done a lot of different types of activities and covered many different topics so I hope that I can remember everything I have learned. It seems that if you don't use something then you will lose it. This definitely applies to me when it comes to technology. If I haven't used a program for awhile it takes me awhile to learn it again. I feel pretty confident about my technology skills after having this course though so maybe they will all stick.  The only thing I am worried about is being in a school that doesn't have much technology. I haven't been in a school yet that has been very technology oriented so I haven't been able to practice many of these ideas with actual classrooms.
     This was an interesting class because we were always doing something. The time always flew by when we were doing an activity. I think that this is an excellent way to teach because it engages the students and they are actively learning the content and then applying it. I will strive to have my lessons be like these when I am teaching. I enjoyed all of the activities we did but one of my favorites were the book talks. I love working in groups so I had fun coming up with a script with my group and then filming it. I think that it would be an activity that students would really enjoy. I also really enjoyed the I spy activity because it is an exciting way to teach poetry. Students would like the activity so much that I don't think they would realize that it is a lesson that is based on poetry. The web 2.0 sites were great as well. I didn't realize that there are so many that are geared for children! I am glad that I will now know many resources that I can use in my classroom. It will help to keep my lessons fresh and exciting for my students.
     All in all, this was an excellent class for me to take. I was apprehensive at first because I thought that it would be really overwhelming to learn about all of this in just two weeks. It was great though! I feel like I have learned so much and I didn't feel too overwhelmed. I have learned that there are so many ways for technology to enhance education. From interactive white boards, to social networking sites, and to iPads to name a few there are just so many possibilities! I think teachers can find ways to create innovative lessons with technology and there needs to be more of a move toward it.


  1. I also like the way Dr. Schmidt lead the class. We were actively engaged, but still learning from doing. I hope to bring this into my classroom as well. If we were engaged, I know my students will be.

  2. I am also so glad I took this course! It's amazing how much we learned in only two weeks. I feel that I am a totally new teacher when it comes to technology in the classroom. I am going to think of creative ways to implement my lessons using technology.

  3. My ultimate goal in teaching is that I hope students will learn something new. It sounds like you did! Don't let it stop here - continue these efforts into your own classroom!
