Saturday, May 14, 2011

Creating Effective TPACK Lessons

     As I have been creating my TPACK lesson for this class I have learned that coming up with an effective one is challenging. The purpose of the TPACK lesson is for the technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge to be intertwined completely. During my four years at Iowa State I had been focusing on integrative lessons. I was always taught that we should be integrating subject areas together to make the lessons more meaningful for students. This included integrating technology into lessons. I have created many lessons that included integrating technology. I had learned that it was important for students to be exposed to technology in their learning because it is so evident in their daily lives. I agreed with this and I thought of several ways of how technology could be integrated into lessons.
     Through this class I am learning something completely different with technology. This is the idea of innovative technology. In order to have a successful innovative lesson it would mean that taking the technology out of the lesson would derail the whole lesson. I have found this idea to be very challenging! Every time that I think of a lesson with technology I realize that the lesson could be carried out without the technology. The lesson would be more difficult and time consuming without the technology, but it could be done. Therefore, innovative technology requires teachers to push their creative thinking. I think that it will take me awhile before I completely get the hang of the idea, but I am working on it!


  1. I agree that we have been taught to integrate technology into our lessons. I am glad that I am taking this class because I have learned more about TPACK and am excited to learn about how to innovate technology in the classroom. Innovating technology is more challenging, but I feel that it helps teachers to think 'out of the box' and more creatively about how they can engage their students. In my classroom, I want to try innovate technology to keep my students engaged with the lessons.

  2. I agree! I think the lessons that are innovative are so much more interesting because you have to think about it so much more! Also, the ways that we use it are so much more interesting, and we are thinking more about other ways that it could be used, which makes it that much more fun.

  3. Keep thinking about this -- I know it is difficult. What you were thinking about before was not wrong, we are just rethinking it. You can still "integrate", but now take it a step further and try to "innovate!"
